1.3. Overview

PyPackIT is a fully configured, yet highly customizable automation system that integrates with your GitHub repository and takes responsibility for a large portion of common tasks in every step of the development and maintenance process of your software project. From configuring your repository, Python package, test-suite, documentation website, and all other related tools and services according to the latest standards and best practices, to managing your project’s branches, issues, pull requests, and releases, PyPackIT provides an exhaustive set of fully-configured continuous integration, deployment, and testing (CI/CD/CT) workflows that render your entire development and maintenance pipelines automated and dynamic. These workflows, which are built on GitHub Actions—GitHub’s own powerful automation platform—contain detailed instructions and commands for automatically performing a variety of tasks every time an event (e.g., pushing to a branch, opening an issue or pull request, etc.) occurs in your repository.

PyPackIT is provided as a GitHub template repository, and uses GitHub Actions to automate the entire development and maintenance process of your project. When you create a new repository from the PyPackIT template, or integrate PyPackIT into your existing repository, fully configured GitHub Actions workflows are added to your repository, which will automatically run GitHub Actions every time a supported event occurs in your repository. These workflows use PyPackIT’s own custom actions, most notably the RepoDynamics Action, which is entirely powered by our RepoDynamics Python package. This package, being the brain of the PyPackIT software suite, is responsible for analyzing the event that triggered the workflow, along with the current state of the repository, and automatically performing a variety of tasks accordingly. These include:

1.3.1. Features Control Center

A prominent feature of PyPackIT is the centralized and dynamic control center it provides for your project. It contains all the available settings for PyPackIT itself, along with various information, configurations, and metadata for your entire project and all its components, gathered in one place and thoughtfully organized and presented in a clear, consistent, and concise format.

When you commit changes to the project’s control center, they are automatically applied to your entire repository, Python package, test suite, documentation website, and all other components, tools, and external services. Therefore, instead of having to deal with multiple interfaces and diverse configuration and metadata files for each aspect of your project, all scattered across your repository and each with its own format and syntax, you can simply manage your entire project from within the control center, using a single, unified, and consistent interface;

When you apply a change to the repository’s meta content, PyPackIT will automatically apply the corresponding changes to the entire repository and its contents, and update all relevant files, configurations, and settings accordingly.

Therefore, besides your source code, unit tests, and documentation content, all other aspects of your project are automatically managed by PyPackIT according to your specifications in the meta directory.

$ automatically translates your changes into the appropriate formats, generates all necessary files in the required locations, and updates them dynamically. Options

The control center contains all key information and metadata of your project, such as its name, description, keywords, license and copyright information, authors/maintainers and their roles, contact information, citations, and branding and styling information, to name a few.

Furthermore, the control center contains all configurations and metadata for your GitHub/Git repository (e.g. general settings; branch protection rules; security configurations; GitHub Pages settings; templates for issues, pull requests, and discussions; funding options; health files contents; README files contents; description and topics; gitignore and gitattributes files), Python package and test suite (e.g. build configurations; package metadata; dependencies and other requirements; entry points and scripts declarations; manifest file content; docstrings; PyPI and Conda settings), documentation website (e.g. menu, navigation bar, and quicklinks items; theme and styling settings; custom domain declaration; web analytics settings, announcement configurations), and all other tools and external services that are utilized by your project (e.g. settings for various linting, formatting, and testing tools such as Ruff, Mypy, Pylint, Bandit, Isort, Black, Pytest, Pytest-cov, etc.; pre-commit hooks configurations; settings for external platforms such as Codecov and ReadTheDocs). Substitutions and Templating

PyPackIT also allows for complex and recursive templating for all the meta content, meaning that you can reference and use any part of the meta content in all other parts, eliminating the need for redundant and repetitive configurations and data, which are hard to modify. This provides a high degree of customization and flexibility, as you can easily change a single variable, and have it automatically applied to the entire meta contents and consequently the entire project.

In addition, to eliminate any redundancy and provide your project with a high degree of flexibility and customization, $ allows for complex and recursive templating within all contents of the control center, meaning that you can reference and reuse any piece of configuration or data in all other parts of the control center. Inheritance

To further reduce unnecessary redundancies, PyPackIT also lets you dynamically inherit specific meta contents of other repositories, allowing you to easily create and maintain multiple repositories with centralized configurations and settings.

You can also command $ to dynamically inherit any piece of configuration or data from any other GitHub repository, allowing you to easily share and reuse specifications across multiple projects. Automatic Additions

On top of these, $ automatically augments your project’s metadata with various dynamic information, so that you don’t have to manually define and update them. For example, all information on your GitHub repository, along with full details of the project’s owner, authors, maintainers, and contributors, are periodically retrieved from GitHub, and a full list of your package’s active releases and their corresponding information are generated and maintained automatically.

On top of this, PyPackIT also automatically extends your project’s metadata by fetching additional information from external sources. For example:

  • Name and the owner of the repository are automatically detected, and their full information is retrieved from the GitHub API.

  • Information on the repository owner and all specified authors and maintainers, such as full name, email, bio, profile picture, affiliation, and linked social accounts, is fetched from the GitHub API.

  • If the owner specifies their ORCiD ID in their GitHub profile, their ORCiD profile information is automatically fetched from the ORCiD API, a list of their publications is extracted, and full metadata and citation information for each publication is retrieved from the Crossref and DOI APIs. Custom Additions

\( also allows you to extend your project's configuration and metadata with your own custom specifications, which can then be referenced and utilized anywhere in your project, the same way as the built-in contents of the control center. For more complex custom specifications that cannot be defined in YAML files, or for data that must be generated/retrieved dynamically at runtime (e.g. data retrieved from a web API), \) allows you to define custom Python scripts that are automatically executed during the workflow runs, and whose outputs are then made available to your entire project. Repository Setup

  • General Settings: General settings for the repository, such as name, description, visibility, and default branch

  • About Section: General information about the project, such as description, keywords (aka topics), and website URL

  • Repository README:

  • Social Media Preview:

  • Directory Structure:

  • Directory READMEs:

  • Security Settings:

  • License:

  • Issues:

  • Labels:

  • Discussions:

  • Health Files:

  • Git Files: Documentation Website

PyPackIT comes with a fully developed, ready to use, yet highly customizable professional documentation website for your project, that is automatically generated, deployed, and maintained, with minimal effort required from your side. Main Features

  • The website is built with Sphinx, a powerful and popular documentation generator.

  • It uses the PyData Sphinx Theme–the official theme of the PyData community, used by many popular Python projects such as NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Jupyter–to provide a professional and modern design.

  • Sphinx’s powerful templating capabilities (using Jinja) are directly integrated into all source files, rendering most of the website’s content dynamic and self-updating.

  • The MyST Parser extension is used to add support for the MyST Markdown syntax, which provides a variety of rich features for writing technical and scientific documentation, such as typography, code blocks, admonitions, figures, tables, cross-references, and mathematical notation.

  • The Sphinx Design extension is used to include beautiful and responsive web components in the website, including grids, cards, dropdowns, tabs, buttons, and icons.

  • Using the sphinx-autodoc2 extension, the website automatically generates API documentation for your Python package, based on the docstrings in your source code.

  • With the help of the ABlog extension, the website includes a full-fledged blog, with support for comments (using Giscus), web feeds, and various categorization, searching, and archiving options.

  • Using the sphinxext-opengraph extension, Open Graph metadata are automatically added to each page of the website, allowing for search engine optimization (SEO) and rich previews when sharing the website on social media.

  • The sphinxcontrib-bibtex extension is integrated into the website, enabling you to manage your project’s entire bibliography and citations in a BibTeX file, automatically add citations to your documentation, and generate bibliographies and citation lists in various formats.

  • The included sphinxcontrib-mermaid extension allows for adding complex diagrams and charts to your documentation using the Mermaid syntax. Structure and Content

The website is fully structured according to a standardized and well-organized layout, with seven main sections:

  • Introduction: A comprehensive introduction to your project, serving as a starting point for new users. It is further divided into four subsections:

    • Outline: An abstract of the project, outlining its motivations, purpose, and objectives, along with a brief description of its main features and capabilities.

    • Background: A detailed overview of the background and context of the project, including a brief history of the field, and a summary of the current state of the art.

    • Overview: An extensive high-level overview of the project and all its functionalites, the problems they solve, and the benefits they provide.

    • Basics: A summary of the fundamental concepts and principles underlying the project, and related background information.

  • User Manual: An in-depth user guide, providing detailed information on how to install, configure, and use your software, and explaining all its features and functionalities with examples and use cases.

  • API Reference: A full API reference for your Python package, documenting all its subpackages, modules, classes, methods, and attributes.

  • News: A blog for your project, where you can post release notes, announcements, updates, and other news, and share your plans and progress with the community.

  • Contribute: A guide for contributors, explaining how to get involved and support the project, share feedback, report issues, suggest new features, and contribute to the development and maintenance of the software.

  • About: General metadata about the project, such as credits (authors, maintainers, sponsors, acknowledgements, etc.), roadmap, license information, citation details, and contact information.

  • Help: A help section with various resources for users and contributors, including a FAQ page with comments, a site map with instructions on how to navigate the website, and a contact page with information on how to get in touch with the project’s maintainers for further support and assistance.

Several parts of the website are either pre-filled with content, or automatically populated using information from your project’s metadata and configurations; for example:

  • The website’s homepage is automatically generated to include the project’s logo and description, as defined in project’s control center. It also includes links to the website’s main sections, along with a brief description of each section.

  • The installation guide in the user manual is automatically generated to include instructions for installing your package from various sources, including GitHub, PyPI, and if applicable, conda.

  • The API reference is automatically generated to include documentation for all subpackages, modules, classes, methods, and attributes in your package, based on the docstrings in your source code.

  • The blog is automatically updated with new posts for each release of your package, including release notes, changelogs, and links to the corresponding resources.

  • The Contribute section is fully populated with information on how to contribute to the project, from sharing feedback and reporting issues, to contributing to the development and maintenance of the software.

  • The About section is automatically populated with general information about the project, including a full list of all authors, maintainers, sponsors, and collaborators, license information, citation details, and contact information, all of which are automatically fetched from the project’s metadata and configurations.

  • For each new release of your package, an announcement is automatically added to the website, and subsequently removed after a specified period of time.

Therefore, the only remaining contents to be added to the website are practically the introduction of the project, and a user guide describing the functionalities of your package and how to use them. Configuration and Customization

The website is fully configured and ready to use out of the box, with all configurations and metadata for Sphinx and its theme and extensions provided in the Sphinx configuration file, conf.py. Moreover, most of these are set dynamically; all metadata, such as project’s name, authors, version, and copyright, are automatically fetched, and many important settings can be directly configured in the project’s control center, including:

  • color schemes and fonts,

  • logo and favicon,

  • navigation bar icons and links,

  • quicklinks,

  • web analytics (using Google Analytics and/or Plausible), and

  • announcement retention period.

This allows for a high degree of customization, without needing to be familiar with all the complex configurations and settings of Sphinx and its extensions, and without having to manually edit the Sphinx configuration file. Nevertheless, the Sphinx configuration file is also annotated with detailed comments and references, allowing for further advanced customizations, if needed. Build and Deployment

The build and deployment process of the website is automatically carried out on the cloud, as part of the provided GitHub Actions workflows for the repository. After PyPackIT is installed in your repository, it automatically activates and configures the GitHub Pages service for your repository, and deploys the website. Subsequently, every time a change that affects the website (i.e., a change to the website’s source files, the package’s source code, or the corresponding settings in the control center) is made to one of the repository’s release branches, the website is automatically rebuilt and redeployed. Similarly, when such changes are made to one of the development branches, a built version of the website is automatically attached to the corresponding workflow run, and can be downloaded as an artifact from the workflow’s page on GitHub, to be viewed locally. The website is accessible at the default GitHub Pages URL for your repository, which is https://<username>.github.io/<repository-name>/, where <username> is the GitHub username of the person or organization that owns the repository, and <repository-name> is the name of the repository. However, you can also configure a custom domain for your website in the repository’s control center, and PyPackIT will automatically set it up for you. PyPackIT also automatically generates a full configuration file for the Read The Docs platform, so that you can easily build and deploy your website there as well.

1.3.2. Summary

$ streamlines a remarkable portion of the process of creating, documenting, testing, publishing, and maintaining Python packages, making your project development a pleasant breeze!

and is equipped with various tools to automate a remarkable portion of the software development process It is designed to automate and streamline the entire journey of creating, documenting, testing, publishing, and maintaining Python packages, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: implementing your ideas and bringing your vision to life!

PyPackIT elevates your Python projects by offering a complete, professional, and robust infrastructure, where the only thing missing is your code. It is provided as a fully configured dynamic GitHub repository template that comes with a full-fledged documentation website, and is equipped with various tools to automate a remarkable portion of the software development process according to latest guidelines and best practices.

Simply create a new repository from the PyPackIT template, add your project’s information, and start coding; PyPackIT will automatically create and deploy a professional documentation website for your project, run various tests on your code, build your Python package, publish it on PyPI and GitHub, create detailed release notes and changelogs, manage your repository’s issues and pull requests, and make the development and maintenance of your project a pleasant breeze!

PyPackIT emerges as the ultimate solution, streamlining the entire journey of creating, documenting, testing, deploying, and maintaining Python packages. This dynamic and intelligent GitHub repository template eliminates the burdensome chores associated with software development, ensuring that creators can channel their energy into bringing their visions to life.

The project addresses a common challenge faced by developers when initiating a new app or Python package: starting from scratch and configuring every element manually. Creating an ideal repository structure, setting up testing tools, configuring documentation websites, publishing to PyPI, and managing issues and releases can be overwhelming and lead to suboptimal outcomes. This discourages many amateur developers from sharing their creations, which negatively impacts the field’s growth and hampers potential innovations.

PyPackIT comprehensively tackles these challenges with a pre-configured GitHub repository template that provides all necessary files and directories. The user only needs to add their code and specific documentation, significantly reducing the initial setup time and complexity. At the core of PyPackIT lies the ‘meta’ directory, containing sub-directories for configurations, metadata, and templates. Users can define essential project metadata, such as name, tagline, and license information, in YAML files, which are then automatically propagated throughout the entire repository, website, and package documentation.

Leveraging the PyPackIT Python package alongside GitHub Actions workflows, users can further automate tasks such as updating metadata, generating README files with custom badges, and deploying the website on GitHub Pages. The website, built using Sphinx, MyST, and PyData Sphinx Theme, comes pre-populated with extensive documentation and collaboration guides, leaving users free to concentrate on enhancing their code’s functionality.