Base Config

  • Relative Filepath[1]: config.yaml

  • Pre-configured: True

[1]: Filepath is relative to the root of the control center directory.

$schema: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema
title: Base Config
description: Configurations for the control center iteself.
type: object
default: {}
additionalProperties: false
    description: Number of days to keep cached data.
    type: object
    default: {}
    additionalProperties: false
        description: >-
          Number of days to keep the cached data retrieved from web APIs,
          such as GitHub repo/users data, software versions, publications etc.
        type: integer
        minimum: 0
        default: 1
        description: >-
          Number of days to keep the cached extension files 
          retrieved from other GitHub repositories.
        type: integer
        minimum: 0
        default: 1
    required: [ api, extensions ]
required: [ cache_retention_days ]
  api: 1
  extensions: 1
# Number of days to keep the cache data:

  # For extension files retrieved from other repositories:
  extensions: 3

  # For data retrieved from web APIs:
  api: 5

Base configurations are those that concern the control center itself, and are thus needed before the processing of the control center can begin.


Settings for various cached data, such as extension files and other data obtained through various web APIs.

When working with a local clone of the repository on your computer, you can overwrite these configurations by creating another config.yaml file (with the same syntax) in the root of the repository’s local directory. Since the files under the local directory are automatically added to the .gitignore file, this file will not be tracked by Git, and thus will not be pushed to the remote repository. This allows you to easily maintain your own local configurations without affecting the remote repository, which may be useful when working on development branches.