Control Center Directory

The meta directory is the main control center of your repository, where all configurations, metadata, and settings for your GitHub repository (and its corresponding git repository), package, website, development pipeline, and other tools are stored in one place. When you apply a change to the repository’s meta content and push it to the remote repository, PyPackIT will automatically apply the corresponding changes to entire repository and its content, so that the repository is always in a consistent state with its meta content. This is the main mechanism that PyPackIT uses to manage your repository and project, so you must never modify any configuration directly, but always through the meta content.

This directory is named .meta by default, and is located at the root of the repository. You can change the name and location of your repository’s meta directory, but it must have a specific substructure, meaning that PyPackIT will look for specific files and directories in specific locations inside the meta directory to read the corresponding configurations and data from.