GitHub Directory

Every repository must contain a ./.github directory, i.e., a directory named .github located at the root (./) of the repository. This is where GitHub looks for GitHub Actions workflow files (.yaml files in the ./.github/workflows directory) and other configuration files, such as issue-, discussion-, and pull request templates.

When a repository is first initialized from the PyPackIT template, the ./.github directory will only contain workflow files. These are configurations that define the continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines of the repository, allowing the whole development and maintenance process of your project to be automatically managed by PyPackIT. In general, you should never modify these files directly, since all configurations and data that are specific to each project are read automatically from the repository’s meta content (discussed below). The only exception is when you want to add a new feature/functionality to your pipelines, which is not covered by PyPackIT and is completely orthogonal to its functionalities.

After the repository is configured, a number of other files and directories will also be automatically added to the ./.github directory, including issue-, discussion-, and pull request templates, and other GitHub configuration files. PyPackIT also uses the ./.github directory to store some of its own data and settings, as well as configuration files for other external tools that are used by PyPackIT. You must never modify these files directly, as they are dynamic files that are automatically generated and updated by PyPackIT according to the repository’s meta content.