Source Directory

The source directory is where all source code of your package is stored. This directory is named src by default, and is located at the root of the repository. However, you can change its name and location via the meta content. PyPackIT follows the Setuptools’s src-layout for package discovery. This means that your source directory must contain a single top-level package directory, which must at least contain a __init__.py file. The name of this top-level package directory defines the import name of your package. You must never rename the top-level package directory directly; instead, PyPackIT will automatically rename it for you when you change the package name in the meta content. PyPackIT will also automatically update all import statements in your source code to reflect the new package name.

When the repository is first initialized, PyPackIT will automatically create the source directory and the top-level package directory, along with the top-level __init__.py file. Note that the docstring of the top-level __init__.py file is also dynamic. Therefore, while you can change the content of the __init__.py file, you must never change the docstring directly, but always through the meta content.