2. Manual

The user manual provides in-depth information on the key concepts of PyPackIT, along with detailed explanations of all its features and functionalities. From step-by-step instructions on setting up PyPackIT for the first time and integrating it into your new or existing project, to comprehensive guides on how to use its various features and functionalities in your software development process, this section covers everything you need to know to fully leverage PyPackIT’s capabilities. Acting as the main source of information for new and experienced users alike, it also provides a full reference of all PyPackIT’s available configurations and options that can be set to fully customize it according to your project’s specific needs.


A comprehensive overview of all fundamental aspects of PyPackIT, its features and capabilities, and how they work under the hood.


Step-by-step instructions to getting started with PyPackIT and start using it in your new or existing project.

Control Center

A detailed explanation of your repository’s control center and its feature, along with a full reference of all its available options.


An in-depth guide on how to use PyPackIT’s various features and functionalities in your software development process.


Technical details on PyPackIT’s architecture, implementation, and infrastructure, along with instructions on how to update, extend, and customize it.