1.4. Common Steps#
This section describes the installation steps that are common to both new and existing repositories. Follow these steps when you are asked to do so in the respective installation guides:
Note that other than the first step (GitHub PAT), all others are optional and you can skip them if you do not wish to use the respective services.
1.4.1. GitHub PAT#
The repository owner (or a member with admin permissions to the repository) needs to create a PAT with the required permissions, and store it as a secret in the repository.
Why a PAT is Required
PyPackIT works by interacting with your repository
and performing various tasks on your behalf. To be allowed to do so,
PyPackIT needs a token to authenticate with GitHub.
By default, GitHub automatically creates a unique GITHUB_TOKEN
at the beginning of each workflow run, to be used by the workflow to authenticate with GitHub.
However, this token has limited permissions
by design, and is not sufficient for PyPackIT to perform all its tasks,
such as modifying the repository’s settings.
Therefore, the PAT is used instead of the GITHUB_TOKEN
to perform
tasks that require higher permissions.
To add a fine-grained personal access token to your repository:
Click here or alternatively in your GitHub user account, navigate to Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Fine-grained tokens > Generate new token.
Under Token name, enter a name for your token (e.g.
), and choose an expiration date under Expiration. Note that you have to repeat these steps to replace the token after it expires.Under Repository access choose Only select repositories and then select your new repository from the dropdown menu.
Under Permissions select Repository permissions and set the Administration, Contents, and Pages access to Read and write.
Click on the Generate token button at the bottom of the page.
Copy the displayed token to your clipboard.
Go to Settings > Security > Secrets and variables > Actions > Secrets > New repository secret in your repository.
In the Name field, enter
, paste the token you copied in step 6 into the Secret field, and click on the Add secret button.
For Organization-Owned Repositories
If your repository is owned by an organization (as opposed to a personal account), your organization must allow GitHub Actions to create pull requests. This can be set in the organization account under Settings > Actions > General > Workflow permissions, by enabling the option Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests.
1.4.2. PyPI Trusted Publishing#
PyPackIT uses trusted publishing (OIDC) to automatically authenticate with PyPI servers and publish your Python package and test suite on TestPyPI and PyPI, without the need to manually set authentication credentials such as username and password (cf. PyPI docs and GiHub docs).
To activate trusted publishing for PyPI and TestPyPI in your respective accounts:
Create an account on PyPI or log in to your existing account.
If you have not published this project to PyPI before, go to the Publishing page of your account and navigate to the Add a new pending publisher section at the bottom of the page. Alternatively, if you have already published this project to PyPI, go to the Your projects page of your account, find your project and click on the Manage button, then go to the Publishing tab and navigate to the Add a new publisher section at the bottom of the page.
Fill in the fields in the trusted publishing form for GitHub with following data:
PyPI Project Name (only for new projects): Distribution name of your Python package as given in the
field of your project’s metadata. If you haven’t specifically defined a package name, this will be the automatically derived package name as described in the installation guide.Owner: GitHub username or organization name that owns the repository.
Reposiroty name: Name of your GitHub repository.
Workflow name:
Environment name: Name of the deployment environment defined at
by default.
Click on the Add button to submit the form. Make sure the submission is accepted by checking the response message that appears at the top of the page. If the submission is rejected due to a name conflict, you have to try a different name for the project. In that case, don’t forget to update your package name in the project metadata (and/or rename your repository) afterwards.
Repeat the above steps for your test suite, replacing PyPI Project Name and Environment name with
.Repeat the above steps in your TestPyPI account, only this time under the Environment name field enter the name of the deployment environment defined at
by default.
1.4.3. Anaconda Token#
PyPackIT can also build a conda package and publish it to your Anaconda channel. To enable automatic publishing on Anaconda:
Create an account on Anaconda or log in to your existing account.
In the Settings page of your account, click on Access under the left panel.
In the Token Name field, enter a name (for your own reference) for the token.
From the Scopes section, select Allow all operations.
Choose an expiration date under Expiration date. Note that you have to repeat these steps to replace the token after it expires.
Click on the Create button and copy the displayed token to your clipboard.
Go to Settings > Security > Secrets and variables > Actions > Secrets > New repository secret in your repository.
In the Name field, enter
, paste the token you copied in step 6 into the Secret field, and click on the Add secret button.
1.4.4. Zenodo Token#
To enable the automatic publishing to Zenodo and/or Zenodo Sandbox:
Create an account on Zenodo or log in to your existing account.
In the Applications page of your account, click on New token under the Personal access tokens panel.
Add a Name (e.g., name of your GitHub repository), select
under Scopes, and click on the Create button.Copy the displayed token to your clipboard, and then click on the Save button.
Go to Settings > Security > Secrets and variables > Actions > Secrets > New repository secret in your repository.
In the Name field, enter
, paste the token you copied in step 4 into the Secret field, and click on the Add secret button.Repeat the above steps for Zenodo Sandbox, only this time in step 6, enter
instead ofZENODO_TOKEN
For Existing Projects
If your project is already published on either Zenodo or Zenodo Sandbox and you wish to publish future versions under the same so-called concept record (instead of creating a new concept), you can add your existing concept’s DOI and ID to the variables files in your repository. Note that this must be done in the first commit after adding your tokens, otherwise a new concept will be created for each platform (Zenodo or Zenodo Sandbox) that does not define an ID.
1.4.5. CodeCov Account#
To automatically upload your test coverage results to CodeCov: