PyPackIT’s version control strategy is demonstrated with an example starting from final release version \texttt{1.0.0}. Two individual features (issue ticket numbers 1 and 2) are simultaneously implemented in separate development branches, where each iteration is published as a developmental release with a unique version number (green: release segment, orange: prerelease segment, and red: developmental release segment). Note the incorporation of issue ticket numbers into the prerelease segments. Feature 2—demonstrating a short release cycle—is merged directly into the release branch as a final release, while Feature 1 undergoes a prerelease phase with with further refinements published as post-releases. After alpha, beta, and release candidate stages, it is merged back into the original release branch as a final release. The final version is automatically redetermined during merging so that \texttt{1.1.0rc1.postN} is released as final version \texttt{1.2.0}, since \texttt{1.1.0a2.devN} was already released as \texttt{1.1.0}.