
Learn about risks of script injection in GitHub workflows, when using user inputs in inline scripts:


Templates and Configuration#

The contents of the repository’s Issues tab is controlled by templates and a configuration file under the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE directory.

Configuration File#

The configuration file at ./github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml controls some aspects of the template chooser (i.e. the landing page of the repository’s ‘Issues’ section), with following options:

  • blank_issues_enabled: A boolean value defining whether free-form issues can be opened by users.

  • contact_links: An array of dictionaries, defining additional external links for opening issues. These links will be displayed after the available issue templates.


The issues templates use the GitHub’s issue forms. Each .yml file (other than config.yml) provides a template for a specific issue type. The issue forms use the YAML format, with a series of defined top-level keys such as name, description and labels, and a body syntax to define the form fields. Any YAML file created in this directory using the specified syntax will be automatically added to the list of possible issue forms that users can select from when opening a new issue in the repository.