The control center contains all key information and metadata of your project, such as its name, description, keywords, license and copyright information, authors/maintainers and their roles, contact information, citations, and branding and styling information, to name a few.
Furthermore, the control center contains all configurations and metadata for your GitHub/Git repository (e.g. general settings; branch protection rules; security configurations; GitHub Pages settings; templates for issues, pull requests, and discussions; funding options; health files contents; README files contents; description and topics; gitignore and gitattributes files), Python package and test suite (e.g. build configurations; package metadata; dependencies and other requirements; entry points and scripts declarations; manifest file content; docstrings; PyPI and Conda settings), documentation website (e.g. menu, navigation bar, and quicklinks items; theme and styling settings; custom domain declaration; web analytics settings, announcement configurations), and all other tools and external services that are utilized by your project (e.g. settings for various linting, formatting, and testing tools such as Ruff, Mypy, Pylint, Bandit, Isort, Black, Pytest, Pytest-cov, etc.; pre-commit hooks configurations; settings for external platforms such as Codecov and ReadTheDocs).
The control center contains all key information and metadata of your project, such as its name, description, keywords, license and copyright information, authors/maintainers and their roles, contact information, citations, and branding and styling information, to name a few.
Furthermore, the control center contains all configurations and metadata for your GitHub/Git repository (e.g. general settings; branch protection rules; security configurations; GitHub Pages settings; templates for issues, pull requests, and discussions; funding options; health files contents; README files contents; description and topics; gitignore and gitattributes files), Python package and test suite (e.g. build configurations; package metadata; dependencies and other requirements; entry points and scripts declarations; manifest file content; docstrings; PyPI and Conda settings), documentation website (e.g. menu, navigation bar, and quicklinks items; theme and styling settings; custom domain declaration; web analytics settings, announcement configurations), and all other tools and external services that are utilized by your project (e.g. settings for various linting, formatting, and testing tools such as Ruff, Mypy, Pylint, Bandit, Isort, Black, Pytest, Pytest-cov, etc.; pre-commit hooks configurations; settings for external platforms such as Codecov and ReadTheDocs).